Thursday, 26 May 2016

Day 4

Group 2

The children had another great day out and about hill walking around Burrowdale valley. We learned about the valley's mining history.
They climbed up to about 400 metres before sitting down at the summit and eating their packed lunch.

In the afternoon we made over way down to a secret cave where we learned bush craft skills.  They used dry sticks, gathered on the way up, to make a fire using different fire lighting techniques.  After lighting the fire, they toasted marshmallows and drank hot chocolate.

The children are looking forward to tonight's disco party.

Day 4

Today the children have had a fantastic day climbing the mountain and learning all about the wildlife and plants around. We even managed to fit in time for an ice cream. We are all looking forward to the disco tonight. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Day 3

It's been another fantastic day today at Derwent Hill for group1.

This morning the children went gorge walking, working as part of a team to guide and support each other to climb through the gorge to the top of the valley. The children climbed through a tunnel and plunged into the icy pools. Even the coldest the person in the world (Miss Wadge) jumped in.

In the afternoon we went on the infamous Death Swing. The children were extremely brave and the support they showed to each other to overcome their fear was brilliant. We are so proud of each and everyone who showed terrific courage, especially Ryan and Nathan.

Tonight we are all off for the Derwent night challenge and the children can't wait.

More updates tomorrow.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

After lunch, it was time for group 1 to put their orienteering skills to the test and impress the instructor with their teamwork. The children explored the grounds of Derwent Hill using their navigational 'expertise' and completed various fun, challenging tasks.

We even got to find out all about the wildlife on the Lake and about some of the birds that nest on the small islands such as the oyster catcher and the Canadian goose. 

We all then headed back to the house for our lunch.  Group 2 were so excited about the afternoon activity which was the Death Swing'. They all showed great courage and determination during this challenge and appeared fearless!!

Day 2

After a good nights sleep and hearty breakfast we were all very excited about our activities today; canoeing, orienteering and the infamous 'Death Swing'. The sun was shining and we all set off. We moved into our two groups and canoed to an island which was in the middle of Derwentwater Lake, raced against each other, then jumped into the lake -which was great fun- Even Miss Wadge joined us!

Monday, 23 May 2016

Our first afternoon at Derwent Hill

We arrived safe and sound just before lunchtime and after an initial short briefing with our instructors about team work and our forthcoming challenges,  we went off to find our bedrooms, and then we had to make our own beds, and make sure our rooms were tidy!!! Soon after, it was time for lunch where we met the children from Seaburn Dene and Benedict Biscop schools. We are all getting along great and think we are going to make some good friends and we have settled in well.  We split into our groups and went off with our instructors. Group 1 went around the grounds and played on the low ropes and Group 2 went for a walk around the lake and up to the waterfalls, discovering the temperate forest and wild garlic, sorrel and pignut. We are off for another adventure tonight. Tune in tomorrow and find out about all about our next adventure.